Welcome to 2019 in the rear view mirror. “Objects in mirror are closer than they appear”…and it still feels like so many of these moments were only yesterday. Thanks for making it possible my friends!
What a year! And what a gift - to go back through these images and relive each wedding, travel adventure, and all the in-between moments that made up 2019. Thank you for your support and encouragement along the way. On those days when I question the worth of this work I do…my own art and creativity, your love and kind words mean the world! Whether I have had the privilege of documenting your wedding, a family session, senior photo shoot, or anything in between, please know that your trust has played a huge role in the life of my family and myself. And if I’ve never photographed you but you are here as a gracious supporter, I thank you as well!
Each year I have tried to articulate a larger vision for this work I do. Sure, we are often called wedding photographers in this industry, and for good reason. The majority of my weekends are spent alongside couples celebrating monumental days of joy, commitment, and love. But weddings are not the end..in fact, in so many ways, they are only the beginning. And if my own relationship and the faithful graciousness of my wife has taught me anything over the past 12 years, it is that marriages are something to intentionally protect and fight for, all the more as the years go by.
It is certainly not an easy path. When culture and entertainment so often declare our right to ourselves…our right to continual passion, excitement, pleasure…marriage can move and swell like the ocean. Calm waters shared with turbulent seas. Days of passion and ease coupled with days of mundane and routine. Forgiveness and pain often share the bed with joy and happiness. And in all of this, I often think of the vows I hear and witness every weekend. These covenants that are made, over and over again. Please hear me, this is not meant as a soap box from which I can cast down judgment on the relationships of others. But rather, I see this as an opportunity to share a passion of my heart that springs up from my own experience. If I can, even in small ways, actively champion the journey of marriage for couples beyond these singular days that I document…well, I consider that an even greater privilege.
And so, that leads me to a giveaway!…perhaps a little more in-depth than the average motif and if you’ve made it this far, I commend you!! As a means of celebrating marriage, Jana and I would love to giveaway some gifts - two for past couples who’s weddings I have photographed. And not to leave anyone out who perhaps is not married or never stepped in front of my lens - two more gifts for anyone who graciously supports this work I do! And here is the fun part, each gift includes an opportunity for you to extend the joy of giving. So here are the rules:
Each winner will receive $100 to enjoy themselves (or as a couple, celebrating their marriage!), as well as another $50 to give away to someone else. So part of the prize is the opportunity to bless someone else as well.
2 $100 prizes for past couples / paired with an additional $50 to give away!
2 $100 prizes for anyone reading this / paired with an additional $50 to give away!
All you have to do is comment on the Facebook or Instagram post about this 2019 review - that’s it! I will collect all those names and draw winners next week. I wish I could give you each a prize for making it this sarin the blog post, haha. Again, I am so very grateful for your support and continued encouragement. I can’t wait to draw those names next week!
Grace and peace my friends,